The Federation of Image
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image consulting as a career

foundation course in image consulting

The Federation of Image Consultants sets the Industry Standard for foundation training in Image Consultancy which covers the core skills required for taking TFIC/City and Guilds Joint Award in Image Consultancy.

There are many training companies, however TFIC recognises only those which we are satisfied train to the industry standard. These companies are audited bi-annually by TFIC and are known as Recognised Training Providers.

Selecting a Training Company
The format, method, costs and content of training programmes vary with each company, whether or not they are recognised by TFIC, and the following list of questions may be useful to help determine which company most suits your requirements, in addition to considering the location and fees. It is also worth bearing in mind that your relationship with your training company is potentially a long-term one, so it is important to choose a company which shares your values and with which you feel you can create a good rapport.
  • Will the course cover the core skills required for taking TFIC/City and Guilds Joint Award in Image Consultancy?
  • Do the trainers hold TFIC/City and Guilds Joint Award in Image Consultancy?
  • What is the duration of the training course?
  • What subjects are covered?
  • Does the course include training in marketing and business development?
  • Are models used? How many?
  • What is the size of the class?
  • Are there additional costs to the training? (i.e equipment, drapes, cosmetics etc.)
  • What, if any, is the consultant's contractual obligation to the company after training?
  • Does the company have an after-training support system for consultants?
  • Are opportunities available for further training?
  • Does the company provide lists of their consultants to the public on request?
  • Does the company have a product line and if so, what is the profit margin and/or potential income from this?
  • Is it possible to speak to one or two previous trainees?
Please note: The Federation of Image Consultants neither makes recommendations about training companies nor accepts responsibility for claims made by companies.
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