The Federation of Image
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image consulting as a career

"Each person is his own message, whatever medium he chooses."
-- Roger Ailes
frequently asked questions
"Can I acquire style or do I have to be born with it?" Nobody is born with style, but it can be acquired. Style is one of the most important aspects of personal image. There should be a natural synergy between our inherited natural colouring (our hair, skin and eye colour), our personality and the way we go about reflecting these characteristics in the way that we dress, i.e. our own personal style.

An individual image consultation will help you discover your personal style by assessing many things, including your body shape, individual body characteristics, lifestyle, likes and dislikes. Your consultant will give you the confidence to create your own style, regardless of fashion and budget. If your circumstances should change, e.g. a change of job, loss of weight, then they can help you re-assess your style priorities and re-tune your image to suit.

"Why do I always have nothing to wear?" Planning a wardrobe to suit a busy lifestyle takes careful planning and finding the elusive personal time to achieve this, is becoming increasingly difficult.

Your Image Consultant can help you assess your clothing needs, help sort your wardrobe and create a new one. This would be based on a few key pieces which can mix and match with various accessories to give you a versatile collection that can take you anywhere, 24/7.

"Can an image consultant help me with smart casual?" Image consultants can assist both employees and employers with the "dress down" social minefield.

"What can an image consultant do for my business?" People buy people; employees are a company's biggest asset. They represent and promote you and your company. Working with an image consultant could:
  • Improve employee productivity by helping them improve their communication, impact skills and self confidence.
  • Ensure your team's image is consistent with the company brand and objectives.
  • Help to develop a clear corporate dress policy, either formal or dress down, to ensure clarity and professionalism.
"How can I dress to make my far-from-perfect body look better?" By emphasising the assets and camouflaging the imperfections you can achieve the illusion of a balanced body line. This is done by the crafty use of vertical and horizontal lines, careful choice of fabrics and by drawing the eye away from some areas towards others. A style consultation with an image consultant will help you with this.

"The colours that suit me are often difficult to find because they are not 'fashionable', what should I do?" A colour consultation with an image consultant will show you different ways of wearing the colours that suit you, as well as finding new colours which are easier to find in the shops that you, perhaps, had never thought of wearing before.
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